Semantics Beyond Set Theory

Jeudi 25 octobre 2007
Salle Dussane - ENS - 45, rue d'Ulm - 75005 Paris

Organisé par Alda Mari et David Nicolas
GDR Sémantique & Modélisation


10.00 Peter Simons: Categories, combinations, and constructions: semantics for grown-ups
10:50 Øystein Linnebo: Sets, properties, and semantics

11:40 Pause
12:00 David Nicolas (joint work with Øystein Linnebo): Superplurals in English

12:50 Déjeuner

14:30 Lucia Tovena: A class of pluractional verbs in Italian and French
15:20 Michael Hegarty: The role of processes in dynamic semantics

16:10 Pause
16:30 Carl Pollard: Stone-dual semantics for natural language
17:20 Alda Mari & Fabienne Martin: Tense and actuality entailment